
Looking To Become A Member?

Membership in Network Together family includes meeting at multiple chapters, sharing of ideas and contacts, participating in activities, and most importantly the exchange business referrals. As we get to know each other our relationships grow and our collective reach grows… far beyond the circle of influence any one person can achieve on his or her own.

So what is Network Together? 
It is the Connections! Network Together is where Meetings, Expos, Seminars, Social Media and Mobile Marketing tools promote the fostering of relationships through a networking forum. This relationship creates the community, both personal and virtual whereby commerce follows.

Facilitator Meeting Format

Opening Comments and Welcome

  • Facilitator Talking Points  and/or Chairpersons Reports
    Network Together Business (including Announcements)
  • 30 Second Commercials (if opted, 1 unique thing too)


  • Testimonials and Awesome one-on-ones
  • Welcoming new and renewing members
  • Workshops, Trainings, Showcase, Seminars and / or Speaker time
  • Closing Comments
Membership Highlights
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Mantra Of Membership

To Create, Organize, Unite and Perpetuate a networking organization of Member Chapters and Districts intended to join small business owners who willingly promote others for the purpose of Community, Relationships and whereby they are rewarded with Commerce.

Code Of Ethics

I Will...

  1. Participate as a small Business Owner of honesty, competence in my profession on business endeavor with dependability responsibility, fair value, satisfactory and    dependable service or product within the organization and in the Greater Community–knowing that I reflect upon the entire NT Family
  2. Endorse and Perform in the belief that “community builds relationships which in turn generate commerce.
  3. Promote other members and their Organization before, or instead of, defaulting to self whenever appropriate or possible.
  4. Willingly Engage Self in personal and business Development within the NT organization’s Monthly Education Seminars, Weekly Meetings, Fair and Business Showcases, One-on-Ones, NetMeetings, NetWalking, 30-second Commercials.
  5. Routinely bring or invite Guests as potential or New Members to Network Together meetings or Events.
  6. Step Up to Leadership opportunities as Chairs, Event Chairs, Co-Chairs, Volunteer Staff and other opportunities available for personal and business growth and the general welfare of the greater group and Network Together
  7. Pledge to carry my business cards and those of Network Together making them visible and available for NT events and the general public/Community.
  8. Stay in Good Standing in NT by promptly updating my Membership using the Network Together mechanism for processing.
Social Conduct

I Will...

  1. Maintain Professionalism in my Personal and Business Conduct.
  2. Respect Others and Expect Respect in Return.
  3. Monitor your own contributions to Social Media remembering the Networking and Business priority to be maintained and that your personal and family face booking chronology may belong somewhere else.
  4. Avoid Extended Discussion Topics of a Personal Nature such as Political or Religious endorsement remembering to respect the views and beliefs of others.
  5. I understand that I may be included in photographs and / or videos that promote the Network Together brand and that this promotion will be embraced as a proactive tool for ALL members.
  6. Remember to use Network Together Social Media as it is intended:
    1. NT Announcements is for seminars, events, specials and discounts, and not a substitute for extended Advertising.
    2. Facebook University page is for educational events, explaining concepts and opportunities.
    3. Member Page is for Members in good standing and a place to call for member-to-member-services.
    4. Beyond Bagels and Coffee Page is for Director, Assistant Director, Chapter Chairs, designees and these pages .should..Stay within the intended recipients.